Welcome to the Open European Network for Enterprise Innovation
- We are a trustworthy, deeply connected group of diverse world-class game changers, at all career stages, from multiple disciplines with a passion for innovation and addressing industrial and societal challenges. We collaborate in an open, adaptive and tribal network based on archetypal patterns of innovation success.
- The successful diffusion of innovations from ideation to market saturation depends heavily on the speed with which an idea journeys. This speed is primarily dependent on our ability to design and continuously adapt the “DNA” of ideas to travel virally through a sequence of living systems which represent the phases of innovation and market diffusion.
- The Open European Network for Enterprise Innovation explores “what it takes” to diffuse innovation in a “heart beat” through publicly funded research projects and privately funded Living Labs.
Get Started – Take the Litmus Test and get a free one-hour debrief / coaching based on your results and also walk-through the Level 2 questions with your personal advisor. If you enjoy that, you and your personal advisor can agree to regular “pay-as-you-go” coaching sessions as desired.
Open European Network for Enterprise Innovation advisors have deep industry experience, have completed our Academy, are licensed to deliver our services, annually re-certified and are utterly passionate about supporting you in accelerating your innovation from ideation to market saturation – with the offering and a pace you feel most comfortable at.
If you are interested in becoming an Advisor please see the careers page and contact us at info@innovation-web.eu.