Welcome to the ACT-FAST Cyber Risk Alert System.
** Please note that acceleration of this solution is current being progress via a Horizon 2020 RIA proposal – details are available HERE **
If you are aware of a cyber risk to yourself and / or your organization, please ask to share these with your friends using this form. While many cyber risks are “caught” by commercial anti-virus solutions, “life” still happens and you may be concerned about things like:
- Unauthorized use of your Paypal, eBay or Amazon dealer accounts
- Your Internet Service Provider reading confidential confidential information
- Data in your Google Drive databases being stolen
If YOU are compromised then there is a significant risk that your FRIENDS will be hurt directly or indirectly – if you care about them, inform them, anonymously if desired.
You may also use this form to register for joining the ACT-FAST proof of concept.
Your entry will be sent to a reviewer who will initially contact you via WhatsApp with the text “Thank you for your ACT_FAST registration/message on . Please answer this message with a message containing your name, email and best time to call.” If you do not receive this message within 72 hours please email us.
Once validated the threat details will be shared anonymously with your friends. Potential threats must always be validated by trusted experts before notifying others due to the social and technical complexities involved. You and your friends will also receive simple, effective and understandable recommendations for treating the risks – no-one will ever ask for technical details or request access to your IT.
Please remember that you can invite friends to join this warning system by asking them to call us at +49 (0) 1709053671 or emailing us at
We are tribes of friends who want to protect friends. Membership is free, voluntary and by recommendation only. All membership requests are verified through personal conversations. All notifications are verified by vetted cyber risk experts before sharing with your tribe.
Respecting the highly private nature of Cyber Risks, ACT-FAST is committed to the highest degree of anonymity and believes in supporting the right real-time voice conversations between members of eGoose tribes.
ACT-FAST is funded through donations of members and sponsorship of leading cyber security companies.